TJ Biocode Hackathon 2022
Vishnu was very passionate advocate of artificial intelligence and machine learning. While at Thomas Jefferson High school (TJHSST) he served has the President of the BioInformatics Society.As a passionate student leader, he organized BioCode Hackathon in 2018 and was instrumental in spreading the word to middle and high schools and invited guest speakers increasing the participation to almost 100 students that year.
April 24th 2022, TJHSST’s BioInformatics club officers honored Vishnu’s memories by giving the Creativity Award in his name to the BioCode Hackathon winners.
Vishnu’s foundation was proud to sponsor BioCode Hackathon 2022 event with more than 100 participants from DMVs middle and high schools coding away! This event upholds Vishnu’s passion of empowering his fellow students in STEM and encouraging them to participate in Hackathons and explore programming avenues.
Thank you for your kind donations. We plan to continue engaging in many such events to continue Vishnu’s legacy and encouraging young students in STEM activities.
Thanks to Samhita Vinay and Anirudh Bansal for their help during the event. Below are the videos and photos.
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